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IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH - 1120 Evans Street - Waupaca, Wisconsin

Welcome to Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church 

 ~  Come join us!  ~


8:00 am   Worship  (Communion Sundays: 2nd and 4th Sundays)
                      8:00 a.m. service is broadcast live on "The Lakes" 92.7 radio and  live-streamed / recorded.                                        (Click on the "Sermon Audio/Video Downloads" section above or the Facebook link below).  

9:15 am    Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 

10:30 am    Worship  (Communion Sundays: 2nd and 4th Sundays)


FACEBOOK Link for Immanuel Ev. Lutheran:  Click⇒   https://www.facebook.com/immanuel.lutheran.9480 




Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone.


To access the recorded worship services on this website: 
Click on the box, top / right "Sermons Audio / Visual Downloads" it opens the screen with all of the sermons.  The most recent is at the top of list.  Click on that.  Adjust your volume on your computer and/or on the video.  Also, the worship folder/bulletin is also on this website for reference.  Under the sliding pictures, click on the box "Newletters and Bulletins".  Click on the 'down arrow' for the drop down box and select "Bulletins".  The top one is the most recent.

Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church
1120 Evans Street
Waupaca,  WI   54981

Call us at   715-258-0204  

Fax  715-258-2769


Prayers and Devotions:   
Visit this link to find prayers and devotions:  

Joyfully proclaiming Christ crucified in word and song!

It is our mission, according to God's Word to GLORIFY God in all that we do, to GROW in his Word, to GATHER together in unity with the Word, and to GO proclaiming his Word into all the world.