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Sunday Morning Class 9:15 (Sept - May)

 Leader: Pastor Siemers / Pastor Kempfert
Fellowship Hall

Meeting Day(s): Sunday
Meeting Time: 9:15 AM
Adult Bible Class, Sundays  9:15 am:  
Join us for a new study series beginning December 15, 2024:  
SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY: THE BOOK OF JOB STARTS Dec. 15, 2024. We know that no one, save our savior Jesus, suffered as Job did. So we wonder, "Why do good people suffer?" We ask the same when we're hurting. A better question is: "Why do the righteous stay godly in spite of suffering?" Our digging into the treasures of Job will help us deal with those questions and show us how God blesses through suffering. It will also give us good guidance on how to help our loved ones when they are suffering. Start reading the book now and writing down your questions. Hope to see you there.